School Holiday Program
19 Jul 2022
Our recent School holiday program, a fun-filled workshop for year 11 & 12 students of the Maranoa to help prepare them for Uni, was a wonderful day with such a great group of local senior school students.
The students got to learn about what life at university would be like and how to prepare for it. They also got to learn about academic writing and help to write essays like a pro, as well as learning some tips and tools to beat procrastination and teach themselves how to manage their time.

The students all got to see how to make chicken fajitas (yum) and talk about some basic cooking tip and tricks for when your cooking for yourself away from home.

At the end of the day, the students got to get a bit arty with some alcohol ink art (no, not the drinking type) to create some masterpieces that they got to take home.
- Big thanks to Dan for giving the cooking lesson
- Kat’s masterpiece
- Bec and Kat enjoyed watching the cooking (and eating the results)
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